Just Within You

If there is this smallest hint of goodness in your heart, even the tiniest piece of it. If there is this part of you that yearns for love and a part of you that is capable of loving.

If despite the chaos you’re living in, despite your lost, despite how wrecked you are, despite how dedicated you are in living a life that others consider as immoral. If despite how cynical you are in believing, despite your distorted views on religion, or despite having no religion at all.. 

If there is a little bit of goodness left- that’s God right there. 

Even Hitler who was a hideous murderer loved his mother so dearly. That is not a code for morality. That is neither a law nor a decree of human society. 

No one dictates you to love- that’s just God right there. 

Even Hitler was under God’s grace. Imagine what would have happened if he embraced that.

God is alive. It’s just that sometimes we try to look for him in all the other places when all we have got to do is look within us first.

“..The Kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is’ because the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17: 20-21

(Image Source: Elizabeth's Embellishments)


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