The Kingdom of God
seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will
be added to you.–Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
Kingdom of God is probably one of the most sought for knowledge in Christian
theology. The scripture promises never-failing sustenance and provisions to
whoever successfully discovers this “kingdom”. Moreover, the bible suggests
that the Kingdom of God differs from the Kingdom of Heaven. While the latter
refers to a spiritual realm where “the Lord has established his throne (Ps
103:19)”, the Kingdom of God is not pointing to a place but is pertaining to a
state of the heart. Jesus reveals this in the following verse.
“..The Kingdom of God does
not come with your careful observation, nor will people say ‘Here it is’ or
‘There it is’ because the kingdom of God is within you.” –Luke 17: 20-21
it means by having the Kingdom of God within you is your heartily submission to
his Kingship and authority. This means giving Him the permission to rule over your
life as you recognize that He is the source of everything you possess. As a
Christian, you are aware that you can experience God’s Kingdom without having
to wait for this physical world to pass. His kingship is felt along with the
serenity, peace, and satisfaction from knowing that you are subject to an
almighty God who is in complete control. This is where a true “servant”
emerges. As Apostle Paul points out, “rather, as servants of God we commend
ourselves in every way: in great endurance, hardships, and distresses (2Cor
God’s Kingdom within you comes with a constant surrendering heart. It demands
an acceptance that the will of your Father shall always be done instead of
yours. It requires stripping yourself out of self-centeredness and laying down
your own plans, dreams, and even relationships in exchange of God’s greater
purpose. To experience God’s Kingdom is to be in His presence and to be within
His courts. Seeking it is more of a journey than a mission. Jesus Christ has
already paved the way to God’s Kingdom. The only thing left to do is to start the
“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven.” –Matthew 6:10
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