The Song of Solomon

There are literary pieces in the Holy Scripture that encompasses the beauty and art of world-renown masterpieces. Even the state of the art from the home of Shakespeare himself cannot overthrow. Even all the work of brilliance given birth on the Renaissance, the period of enlightenment in totality cannot be compared to. These Biblical passages does not only encompass its forms but also, and most evidently, its content. From here we see the real enlightenment, an enlightenment like no other, the kind of wisdom that is free from any worldly deception -- that is the Truth. Here we see the Song of Songs. 

Among all the books in the Bible, the Song of Solomon is probably the most intriguing of it all when taken into a literary perspective. One wonders what a dramatic tale of love and mutual desire has something to do with faith and salvation. What is it with the dialogues  between the beloved and the lover that depicts some spiritual truth in it? Is intimacy a little bit blatant for something as holy as the Word of God? We surely don't need romantic counseling and a considerably "scandalous" love affair (with all its steamed up and broiling emotions) intermingling with strict and authentic Biblical truth, do we?

Perhaps let's think twice. After all, we are called by God for something more deeper than just religion. We are called for a relationship with Him -- And a relationship always involves some affection, compassion, intimacy, even an anticipation of a special kind of submission like that of a bride and a bridegroom, exactly what the church is called for: A Bride of God. Just as the Apostle Paul ought to present the church to the one true God that he serves...

I am jealous of you, just us God is;
you are like a pure virgin whom 
I have promised in marriage
to one God only, Christ Himself.
-2 Corinthians 11:2

To think by ourselves that  "God is jealous for us" is such a lovely thought. We have learned that He is indeed by nature a jealous God (Exodus 20:5). But to be jealous for us mere servants, to long for us, to desire for our love, intent, and worship -- in spite that He can still exist with all His power and glory without it -- is the truest experience of grace, the grace that will lead us to Him. For all that He is draws us closer to Him, "we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19)". 

One thing to know by heart is that Christ loves us with a constant and perfect love that the Scripture says: 

"..neither death nor life, 
neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, 
neither the present nor the future, 
neither the world above nor the world below, 
there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord"
-Romans 8:38b-39

If God does so in this mighty extent then behold this is truly a loving God who pours out all compassion for our souls. In Him all emotions attest to be complete. We too is to love Him in complementary to this. With the foundation of Christ as the Truth, we are to build an emotional attachment to Him; utilize our intrinsic gift to feel and express. For our God is an emotional God in whom we are shaped in the same image and likeness (Genesis 1:26)". All the joy and ecstasy of love inscribed in the pages of Songs of Songs depicts the same way of how God loves Israel as His people -- And just as He sees us as His "beloved", we too are to see Him as ours.  

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine..." 
-Song of Solomon 6:3

To be like Christ; that's what we live for, the purpose of existence for those who seek His reign.  More to this, we are called to be one with Him, in all of His glory, in all that He is; flesh and bones.  The Scripture indicates this desired character of the church,  "for we are members of one body, of His flesh, and of His bones (Ephesians 5:30)". Becoming a bride of God is all about this marvel. 

A believer's greatest hope is to someday be acknowledged before the real presence of God, ascend into the clouds and the realms of heavens to come face to face before a beautiful Savior (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The greatest dream is to enter this splendid banquet spoken of,  the marriage of the Lamb where the bride has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7-9)

Looking into the Songs of Solomon we see glimpses of this destiny, a marital event made authentic by love. As future brides of Christ, we love our One True God in all adoration and endearment such as portrayed in this epic of a romance. This is given emphasis in the entirety of the songs:

"Beloved: how beautiful are you,  my love; how your eyes shine with love!
Lover: How handsome you are, my dearest; how you delight me!"
 -Song of Songs 1:15-16a

Let loose in submission, rest in surrender, listen and indulge in delight for Him -- Your spirit may be longing to express the same love. 

Let us rejoice and be glad, and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and His bride has made herself ready.
-Revelations 19:7

*All Bible references are taken from the New International Version
(Image-1 Source: The Caffeinated Theologian
(Image-2 Source: American Bible Society)
(Image-3 Source: Shannon Ethridge Ministry)


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