
“If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” –Romans 10:9

These are the words that blatantly state the entirety of Christian faith on salvation. It is the belief that has shaken the world. This is why people fought and battled for centuries. A fraction of Christians have died and some are still dying to defend this proposition. The great Christian principle is summarized as this: you are a sinner and the only one who can save you is a mere man whose father is a carpenter but calls himself the messiah and was hanged on a tree. Now as rational beings, this indeed stirs up a great controversy. But despite this, the depth of Christian faith is more than just what is seen in the surface. Here are more details about Jesus Christ as Savior.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” –Jn 1:1

Jesus is the word of God. He was his every will and his every move. He was the firstborn of all creations, a pure descent from God’s Spirit. When God spoke his Word, the world is formed out of nothingness.  In the beginning of time, this Word was not yet manifested by how you would perceive a word today but his presence was already apparent. The world is made by Him and for Him.  He is a different persona of His father, but He also is God as the Spirit of God is in Him.

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” –John 1:14

When the world has fallen into sin and humankind is imprisoned to its fallen nature, a sacrifice is necessary to reconcile back to God. The scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death. God is a just God. He cannot disregard sin, but because of His great love, He allowed ways of forgiveness. Notice that in the Old Testament, the people of God were instructed to sacrifice animal livestock to make an atonement for their sins. But as Paul pointed out, this law was just a shadow of what was about to come which was the Messiah. Christ was made flesh to make the ultimate and final sacrifice that is perfect, holy, and blameless.

True Christian principle on salvation is this: you are a sinner and you know that no amount of righteousness may ever deem you worthy of eternal life, but the Son of God who is the Word made flesh laid down his life as a one true sacrifice to reconcile humanity to its Creator. After all, only a Christian can claim about going to heaven without boasting of himself. He boasts not of the good works that he has done, not of his longest prayers and penance, not even his adherence on any laws or doctrines. He boasts about what one man has done for him on the cross that has changed the course of history forever.

*All bible references are taken from the New International Version
(Image Source: bearhugsforjesus)


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