The Agean Sea: Thoughts while standing where Helen stood.

One day, you’ll face the AEGEAN SEA and there will stand no longer Helen. 
There, will stand no longer the kingdom of Troy. 
What story and what love we dream about shall not stand in time but may only be remembered as much as we can perceive. What we live, we really live upon is the present; where many gods are being proven as myths and many empires fall obsolete. 

I saw the ocean that day and didn’t see Helen, the maiden sailed farther south towards a tragic matrimony.  I saw a ship where the anchor is being dropped. I saw the feet of those who bear good news. It came from Judea, to Asia, to Macedonia and later, to the rest of the world. It spread a fire that would never be extinguished. It built a Kingdom that will last. For after centuries, not even knowledge nor human wisdom can deem it a fable. It’s not a ‘classic’ as Homer would write. It’s not fiction nor mere history. It is, in itself, a reality. It creates an inexhaustible existence we cannot fathom. 

For believers, we live by it, in it, and through it NOW. There is no more Helen. There is but a bride who says with the Spirit, “COME”.

[shot taken at Alexandria Troas, Turkey]
"Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ
 and found that the Lord had opened a door for me.." 
-Paul, 2Corinthians 2:12


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